The number of cyclists in Bristol who cycle at least once a week increased from 5% in 2015 to 28% in 2021, Sustrans reported. According to the Department for Transport’s ‘Reported Road Casualties in Great Britain’ annual report for 2023,...
Dispute Resolution Blog
If someone has been left out of the Will of someone close them then it may be possible for that person to make a claim for “Reasonable Financial Provision” from the estate of the deceased. The Inheritance (Provision for Family & Dependants)...
In a situation where a person instructs a professional to draft a Will but the professional does not draft it correctly, a claim can be made against that professional by those who should have benefitted under the Will but don’t because of that mistake....
There are a variety of ways in which the validity of a Will can be challenged, however it is important to bear in mind a court cannot change the terms of an invalid Will to reflect what it thinks is fair (and nor is unfairness a reason to state a Will is not...