This week (27th – 31st January 2025) is Family Mediation Week and is hosted by the Family Mediation Council.
Mediation, and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) have in recent years become more prevalent within Family Law, with the court placing greater emphasis on the need for the same. It is often a requirement in family matters that an attempt at some form of ADR is made or an exemption from the same set out before an application for contested court proceedings can be made.
Family Mediation Week is used ‘as an opportunity to raise awareness of family mediation and of the benefits it can bring to separating families’, with sessions for both legal professionals and the public on the mediation process. The Family Mediation Council also have a catalogue of recordings from previous events available on their website.
Mediation can be incredibly useful for couples undergoing a separation, and the ability for parties to discuss their issues with a neutral third-party often can create an environment much more conducive to reaching an agreement with one another.
We recognise however that sometimes mediation isn’t always appropriate, such as where the relationship between parties has had issues with controlling behaviour or domestic abuse.
If you are considering mediation, or require any assistance in respect of divorce, separation, financial or children’s matters, John Hodge Solicitors can offer a free initial consultation to discuss matters. The appointment can be held in person, over the phone or online.
Free initial consultations are subject to internal checks and availability.